Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Success is a Process

Success is a process of activities carried out continuously so that a goal is reached. The process includes:

1. Learn
2. Practice
3. Focus
4. Independent

The process should be done first is to learn. How might a successful Internet Marketer when the knowledge about internet marketing is nothing or the witer do not understand what "keywords", "Micro Niche", "Backlink", SEO and many more terms in the internet marketing (IM).

The second process is to apply the results of the learning process into (written) practices, ranging from search keywords, so that analyzing the results of the learning process will not be lost.
It's said that "bond the knowledge with writing."

The process should be done next is to set the vision and mission will be achieved. because the vision and mission through this process of learning and practice before more organized will be easier in achieving a success. Or in other words is the focus.

The last process is independent it is mean do not hang out on other people or independent in all aspects.

All the process should a(Mindset) in an Internet Marketer, because one was not done it is possible of obtaining a failure.